UNICORE Summit 2013

Scope and main topics

The UNICORE Summit is a unique opportunity for UNICORE users, developers, administrators, researchers, service providers and managers to meet.

Participate to share your experience, present your own developments, present planned developments, learn about the latest UNICORE features and get new ideas for interesting and prosperous collaborations.

The main topics of the UNICORE Summit 2013 were:

  • Experience and own developments
  • Future developments

Areas of interest include all UNICORE-related work; recent developments in all technological domains, application integration, portal integration, experiences from end-users and administrators, interoperability use cases, security, integration with cloud and virtualization techniques, performance evaluation, new ideas and concepts, etc.

Schedule and presentation slides

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
09:05 - 09:50invited talk
Michel Drescher
Quo vadis EGI Clouds?
09:50 - 10:10presentation
Bernd Schuller, Richard Grunzke, André Giesler
Data-oriented Processing in UNICORE
10:10 - 10:30presentation
Rafał Kluszczyński, Marcelina Borcz, Piotr Bała
Data storage solution using PL-Grid UNICORE infrastructure
10:45 - 11:05presentation
Michele Carpené, Graziella Ferini, Alessandro Spinuso, Luca Trani
Combining HPC with Data-Intensive Research via UNICORE for Seismological Applications
11:05 - 11:25presentation
Morris Riedel, Shahbaz Memon, Florian Janetzko, Norbert Attig, Thomas Lippert, Borries Demeler, Gary Gorbet, Suresh Marru, Raminder Singh
On Enabling Hydrodynamics Data Analysis of Analytical Ultracentrifugation Experiments
11:25 - 11:45presentation
Lara Flörke, Mathilde Romberg
Experience with Running Data Extraction Application using UNICORE
11:45 - 12:05presentation
Bastian Demuth, Krzysztof Benedyczak, Valentina Huber, Mariya Petrova, Bernd Schuller
The UNICORE Portal
12:05 - 12:25presentation
Gleb Radchenko, Elena Hudyakova, Evgeniy Zakharov
Providing a Web Portal for Development and Utilization of Distributed Virtual Test Beds
12:25 - 12:45presentation
Anastasia Shamakina, Gleb Radchenko, Elena Hudyakova, Evgeniy Zakharov, Dmitry Savchenko, Kamila Koledina, Igor Kulikov, Igor Chernykh, Michael Bakhterev, Pavel Vasev, Yury Kirienko, Andrey Sozykin, Vladislav Schapov, Alexei Mishenko, Andrey Poluyanov, Dmitry Mar'in
The DiVTB Platform: Some Experience in the Application of UNICORE as Middleware in the "Mobility of Young Scientists" Project in Russia
12:45 - 13:05presentation
Piotr Bała, Krzysztof Benedyczak, Rafał Kluszyński, Grzegorz Marczak
Advancements in UNICORE accounting

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