15 Aug 2024
UCC 10.1.0 is available
Version 10.1.0 of the UNICORE Commandline Client is available for download from GitHub.
This release improves the OIDC/OAuth based authentication when using the OIDC-Agent tool or in
direct interaction with an OAuth server such as Keycloak.
What’s new
- new feature: allow to read auth token from file; allow to set token-type to something else than “Bearer”
- ‘rest’: add ‘-i’ option for printing the response headers
- ‘run’: print job status message in case of job failure
- ‘run’: new option “-J”, “–multi-threaded”, for launching and monitoring multiple jobs in parallel
- improvement: oidc-agent authentication: add refreshInterval config parameter
- fix: oidc-agent authentication: add missing dependency
- fix: oidc-agent authentication: don’t fail on missing refresh_token
- fix: oidc-server authentication: allow to configure “oidc.scope” parameter, which defaults to “openid”
- update to UNICORE 10.1.0. base libraries