
Server Packages

If you want to make HPC compute and/or data resources available through the UNICORE APIs, download the Core Server bundle and install it.

If you want a high-speed, flexible data transfer server, download UFTPD and the UFTP Authentication Server

Core Server bundle

The core server bundle contains the server-side components (Gateway, UNICORE/X, TSI, Registry, Workflow, XUUDB) including installer tools, to get a UNICORE site up and running quickly.

UFTPD File Server

UFTP is a data streaming and file transfer tool with dynamic firewall port opening and parallel input/output streams. This package contains the UFTPD file server, that requires either a UFTP Authentication Server or it can be integrated with an existing UNICORE installation.

UFTP Authentication Server

UFTP Authentication Service allows authenticating users and initiating UFTP transfers. It is intended to be used with a standalone UFTP client.


UNICORE Commandline Client

This package contains the commandline client UCC. It is a general purpose client for all UNICORE services, and supports single jobs, data management and workflows.

UFTP Client

The UFTP standalone Client is a Java-based commandline client for UFTP. It allows to list remote directories, copy files (with many options such as wildcards or multiple threads), and more. It can be used with either a UFTP Authentication Server or a UNICORE server to authenticate and initiate UFTP transfers.


We are always interested in your feedback, i.e. where and in which context UNICORE is used. We would very much appreciate if you send a short email to unicore-info[at]unicore[.]eu  (unicore-info[at]unicore[.]eu?subject=UNICORE%20Feedback&body=your%20name:%0A%0Ayour%20institution:%0A%0Awhere%20UNICORE%20is%20used:%0A%0Aadditional%20comments:%0A%0A)   stating the name of your institution, your country and in which context UNICORE is going to be used.

In case you have direct questions related to the UNICORE software, please use the UNICORE support mailing list on SourceForge unicore-support[at]lists[.]sourceforge[.]net  (unicore-support[at]lists[.]sourceforge[.]net)  .

© Forschungszentrum Jülich 2025, Foto: aotaro: Planets of droplets (CC BY 2.0)