This is a Java-based client for UFTP. It allows to

  • list remote directories

  • upload/download files

  • sync files

It supports username/password authentication, OIDC token authentication and (on UNIX) ssh-key authentication to a UFTP Authentication Server.

1. Prerequisites

  • Java 8 (OpenJDK, Oracle, IBM)

  • Access to a UFTP authentication service and the corresponding UFTPD server. To use the client, you need to know the address of the authentication service.

  • If the UFTP authentication service is configured to use SSH-key authentication, you cannot use this client on Windows. We do not yet support SSH keys on Windows.

2. Installation

Unzip the archive in a location of your choice. Add the bin directory to your path. (Alternatively, you can copy bin/uftp script to a directory that is already on your path, in this case edit the script and setup the required directories.)

3. Basic Usage

In this manual, we use the following format to indicate commands that you can type on the command line:

$> some_command

and assume that the bin directory of the UFTP client is on your path.

Invoking uftp without any arguments,

$> uftp

will list the available commands.


$> uftp <command> -h'

will show help for a particular command

For password authentication, use the "-u username:password" option, e.g.

$> uftp ls -u demo:password uftp://localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/home/demo/

If the password is not given, the client will attempt to use your SSH key for authentication, this has to be configured on the authentication server accordingly.


You can also directly specify a value for the HTTP Authorization header with the "-A" option. This allows to use an OIDC bearer token for authorization, e.g. -A "Bearer <oidc_token>"

4. Examples

In the following examples, the authentication service is located at "localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST" and the user name is demo. Replace these values by the correct ones for your installation.

4.1. Listing a directory: the "ls" command

$> uftp ls uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/home/demo/

will list the /home/demo directory.

4.2. Copying data: the "cp" command

The cp command is used to copy local data to a remote server or vice versa. Remote locations are indicated by the "uftp://" prefix, and you need your user name, and the URL of the authentication server.

It has a number of features, which will be shown in the following.

Basic usage

Downloading a single file:

$> uftp cp uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/home/demo/ .

will download the /home/demo/ file to the current directory

Download files using wildcards:

 $> uftp cp uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/home/demo/data/* .

will download all files in the /home/demo/test directory to the current directory

Similar commands work for upload.

Piping data

The "cp" command can read/write from the console streams, which is great for integrating uftp into Unix pipes. The "-" is used as a special "file name" to indicate that data should be read/written using the console.

For example to tar the contents of a directory and upload the tar file using uftp:

$> tar cz dir/* | uftp cp - uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/archive.tgz

Similarly, "-" can be used to write data to standard output. As an example, consider this:

$> uftp cp uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/archive.tgz - | tar tz

Or use uftp to cat a remote file:

$> uftp cp uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/foo.txt -
Byte ranges

To copy just part of a file, a byte range can be given with the "-R" option. Counting starts at "zero". For example to download only the first 1024 bytes of file (i.e. the range 0 - 1023), you would do

$> uftp cp -R 0-1023 uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/home/demo/ .

As an additional feature, you can use the additional "-p" flag, which will write also only the given range. For example

$> uftp cp -R 1024-2047-p uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/home/demo/ .

will write bytes 1024-2047 of the remote file to the local file, starting at offset 1024.

The same thing works for remote files!

This feature has a number of interesting uses, for example parallel clients reading different parts of the same remote file, multiple server/client pairs for added throughput, etc.

Encryption and compression

The cp command supports the "-E" and "-C" options, which enable data encryption and compression (during transfer) respectively. These work only if a single data stream is used.

Data encryption uses a symmetric algorithm, which nonetheless drastically lowers the performance.

Data compression uses the gzip algorithm.

Compression and encryption can be combined.

Resuming a failed transfer

If a copy command was terminated prematurely, it can be resumed using the "-r" option. If the "-r" option is present, the UFTP client will check if the target file exists, and will append only the missing data.

So if your inital copy operation

$> uftp cp uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/home/demo/ .

did not finish correctly, you can resume it with

$> uftp cp -r uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/home/demo/ .

4.3. Synchronizing a file: the "sync" command

Currently, sync only supports single files, i.e. no directories or wildcards! The syntax is

$> uftp sync <master> <slave>

For example, to synchronize a local file with a remote "master" file:

$> uftp sync uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/master.file local.file

To synchronize a remote file with a local "master" file:

$> uftp sync master.file uftp://demo@localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/remote.file

5. Troubleshooting

This section lists and explains common error messages and their resolution.

5.1. I get "Invalid server response 500" and "Exception…. Authentication failure"

Probably you gave a wrong username or password. Contact your site administrator if in doubt!

If using a password, make sure you give the "-P" flag.

5.2. I get "Invalid server response 405 Unable to connect to server for listing"

Check the uftp:// URL that you use. Maybe you have a typo in the "/rest/auth/<servername>" part.

6. Getting support

UNICORE Website:

Developer’s list: